The Quirky World of Shower Thoughts: From Popular Musings to Mind-Boggling Reflections

Have you ever emerged from the shower with a brilliant idea, a catchy tune, or a groundbreaking solution to a pressing problem? You’re not alone. For a staggering 72% of us, the shower is a hotbed of creativity, a sanctuary where our minds wander freely and spark with ingenuity.

Who would have thought that the simple act of standing beneath the cascading water could evoke such a profound shift in our thinking? Yet, this is the magic of the shower, a space where we can shed our inhibitions, let go of distractions, and allow our thoughts to flow uninhibited.

Some of the ideas born in the shower have been downright bizarre, sparking philosophical musings and absurd what-ifs. Others, however, have been the genesis of groundbreaking inventions, chart-topping hits, and Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpieces.

According to wetroom and bathroom specialists CCL Wetrooms the shower’s transformative power lies in its ability to provide a distraction-free environment, allowing our minds to relax and make unexpected connections. As the warm water washes over us, our subconscious mind can freely explore the vast expanse of our thoughts and ideas. Before long, you could be joining the growing list of Pulitzer Prize winners who – you guessed it – invented iconic narratives and characters in the shower.

Some of the Best Shower Thoughts

Setting aside time in our busy lives is difficult, but we can always count on our shower or bath to guarantee that bit of “me-time”, even if it is only a few minutes. Nonetheless, many brilliant inventions, iconic lyrics and extraordinary novels result from just a few moments beneath the warm water.

Where Pulitzer Prize Winners Tap Into The Core Human Emotion

It’s certainly an ideal setting for avid writers, with 40% of Pulitzer Prize winners claiming their best narratives developed as they were scrubbing away at the day’s dirt. Jennifer Egan’s A Visit From The Goon Squad and Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Sympathizer are some of the many award-winning novels crafted in the bathroom. The sensation of water trickling down your back, face, chest and legs creates an air of vulnerability, allowing you to tap into that emotion and enabling the creative juices to flow.

The Shining and It by Stephen King, stomach-curdling and spine-tingling horror novels, were also masterpieces created in the bathroom. These novels both inspired film versions to be made, and we can all picture Jack Torrance (played by Jack Nicholson) saying “Here’s Johnny!” Such excellence inspired by a simple shower room.

Where Entrepreneurs See the Money Signs Rolling

The power of shower thoughts has proven to be a valuable tool for generating groundbreaking ideas that have transformed people’s lives. The likes of Sarah Breedlove (the first self-made female millionaire), Steve Jobs (founder of Apple) and Slade (British rock band) all have one thing in common: they acted on their bathroom brainwaves.

Known as the shower epiphany, the shower provides a place for us to consider our problems and attempt to find a solution. Take Sarah Breedlove, also known as Madam C. J. Walker, as an example. Born in 1867, she became the first self-made female millionaire through her specialised hair products for African-Americans, creating the “Walker system.” As the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs had the vision of changing how the world viewed computers, making them small enough for home use. And Slade? Well, they created a hit Christmas song that’s been played in households across the festive season since 1973.

Where Inventors Take the Next Step

Shockingly, quite a few electronic gadgets and systems were thought up in the shower, such as the Segway, floppy disk and lightning rod. Despite this, these inventions have been pivotal to how our society has developed and evolved. The lightning rod has even been used to save lives, protecting houses from lightning storms, and stopping them from burning down.

Some of the More Nonsensical Thoughts

Not every shower thought is profound or the starting point for the next big invention, sometimes in these quite bathroom moments our minds wander into more whimsical places.

Divorce rate among socks is astonishingly high.

Peer pressure as an adult is seeing your neighbour mow their lawn.

Parrots are technically mockingbirds.

Once we have self-driving cars, wipers will no longer be essential, because the car doesn’t need a clean windshield to drive. Only humans do.

All sources of light are temporary, and are going to expire one day but darkness, persists forever.

A super intelligent species that was able to locate us and then travel all the way here wouldn’t need us to take them to our leader.

These shower thoughts found on Reddit, though seemingly nonsensical, offer a glimpse into the boundless creativity and curiosity of the human mind. They serve as a reminder that even the most mundane moments can spark unexpected insights and moments of light hearted amusement.

Create the Perfect Environment for Thinking

To foster creativity in your bathroom and allow your brain to wander into the silly or profound depths of your thinking, start by creating a relaxing and distraction-free environment with comfortable water temperature and pressure, soothing ambience, minimal clutter, and reduced noise


  • Comfort: Ensure the water temperature and pressure are conducive to relaxation.
  • Ambience: Enhance the atmosphere with gentle lighting and soothing aromatherapy.
  • Distraction-Free Zone: Minimize clutter, noise, and interruptions to foster uninterrupted thought flow.
  • Thought-Capture Tools: Utilize waterproof pads, whiteboards, or voice recorders to capture your fleeting ideas.
  • Uninterrupted Solitude: Allow yourself the privacy to fully immerse yourself in your thoughts.

Shower thoughts are a fascinating phenomenon that can provide us with a glimpse into the inner workings of our minds. They can be silly, profound, or even life-changing. So next time you find yourself lost in thought in the shower, take a moment to appreciate the creativity and insight that can emerge from this unexpected source. You might just be surprised by what you come up with.

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