Keller Kitchens reaches an impressive sustainability milestone – again!

Dutch kitchen manufacturer, Keller Kitchens, is well known for its pioneering approach to sustainability and is delighted to announce that parent company, DKG, has been awarded level 5 on the CO₂ Performance Ladder; the highest possible.

The CO₂ Performance Ladder is the measuring instrument for governments and large companies – the higher the level, the more sustainable the company! DKG is the parent company of both Keller Kitchens and Bruynzeel Kitchens and, by achieving level 5, it demonstrates that the company has not only taken the necessary steps to massively reduce its own CO₂ emissions, but also for the entire supply chain.

The DKG Group has taken every opportunity to reduce CO₂ emissions throughout the business; from purchasing to production, to export – and everything in between. This award demonstrates that the kitchen specialist remains at the forefront of sustainable initiatives in the kitchen industry and cements a strong status as leader in the field of sustainability.

The increasing importance of sustainable initiatives like this is partly driven by the ambition of the Dutch government, which aims to achieve a fully circular economy by 2050. To make this a reality, thousands of small and large companies in the construction and real estate sector must transition to a new way of operating.

This transition takes time, which is why DKG has been CO2-conscious for many years. In April 2017 the company became a carbon neutral manufacturer.  In 2021, the company reached level 3 on the CO2-Performance ladder, demonstrating their commitment to reducing CO2 emissions within the organisation. By achieving level 5 on the CO2-Performance ladder, DKG also proves that significant steps have been taken throughout the entire supply chain to reduce emissions.

The development of the circular kitchen is a great example of this. This initiative makes it  possible to reuse waste materials through the circular kitchen process to create new raw materials for kitchen production.

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Keller is well known for offering the widest range of colours (2,050 NCS) and finishes in the kitchen furniture market – along with a vast range of cabinet options, all produced by the most sustainable means possible. In addition, the company is proud to be a Carbon Neutral kitchen manufacturer since 2017 and is now on the way to becoming Carbon Negative.

For further information, please visit

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